Our Projects

The Website
cleftAdvocate (www.cleftadvocate.org) continues to be the premier
one-stop resource for information related to cleft lip and palate treatment and surgery,
insurance issues, advocacy issues and much, much more.
Website highlights include Cleft Q&A, Learn More, Insurance,
the Photo Gallery and Featured Families.

The Family-To-Family Connection
Hosted by the Genetic Alliance,
cleftAdvocate's Family-To-Family Connection
is our on-line parent/patient support network.

LIVE Teleconferences
cleftAdvocate hosts a series of
live, interactive teleconferences covering such relevant topics as
outreach and support, feeding, surgery, speech, early intervention,
dental care and orthodontics, social issues, and more!

The Pathfinder Outreach Network
cleftAdvocate works with local birthing hospitals, team coordinators and families
to establish guidelines for educational, social and outreach programs.
If you'd like to develop a local or regional network, please contact us!

Resource Bank
cleftAdvocate maintains a resource bank which includes
new and gently-used arm restaints and cleft palate nursers.
If you'd like to contribute new or gently-used items to this resource,
or would like to designate your monetary donation be used
for Resource Bank purchases, please contact us!

North American Craniofacial Family Conference (NACFC)
cleftAdvocate works closely with Pathfinder Partner Organizations
and our network families to ensure that all those
who are interested in attending this annual event
can benefit from our networking and educational opportunities.

...and the list goes on!


Regional and Local Educational Opportunities

Regional and Local Social/Networking Opportunities

Quarterly Newsletter

800 number for teleconferences

Press Packet

Speakers Bureau

We subscribe to the HONcode principles of The Health On Net Foundation
© cleftAdvocate
All Rights Reserved
This cleftAdvocate page was last updated March 25, 2014
Our Projects and Goals
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